I love Christmas traditions!
There are so many different, fun things that we do only around this time of year that makes it special.
One tradition that many people do is some variation of the 12 days of Christmas.
Growing up my family used to give 12 days of surprise gifts to friends or neighbors.
It was lots of fun and a great way to serve and think of others.
This year I've got a little something else planned.
{Hubby if you happen to be reading this, STOP RIGHT NOW!}
If your not my hubby, proceed to the next paragraph.
Yes, I'm going to do the 12 days of Christmas for my sweet husband!
He is so special and I just wanted to do a little something extra for him.
I did it pretty simply, no gifts to wrap, just an envelope for each day.
Inside each envelope is a cute card that has something written on it. Some days are fun activities for us to do together {like watch a movie, build a snowman, or go out to dinner} Some days are nice things I will do for him {hot oil massage, make his favorite treat} and some days are complements and things I love about him!
{I did about 4 card of each; activities, acts of service and kind words but you could do whatever you want.}
Aren't these cards the cutest things ever?!
I wish I could say that I made them, but I did not.
I downloaded them from Just So Scrappy. She sells digital scrapbooking kits and gives lots of cute freebies which I just love!
I added my text to these freebie cards and just had them printed at walgreens. Easy Peasy!
Figure out which order you want them to go in {make sure not to put all the best ones first or his expectations will be way too high} and put them in envelopes numbered 1-12.
Then display them! I just hung a cute ribbon on the wall and clipped my envelopes to them!
Now I plan for my 12 days to end on Christmas Eve, therefore day one will be Dec. 13th.
But feel free to hang up your cards a few days early so your man can get excited about all his surprises!
How special he will feel that you spent so much time thinking just of him, and that you want to do all these nice things for him!
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting!

Wow I love this idea! I would really like to do it, just finding the time...
Great idea! We do so much for our kids at Christmas that it would be great to do something for each other as well.
I'd love if you have a minute to link-up to my Countdown Calendars post: http://mummycrafts.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-countdown-calendars-linkup.html
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