I like to sew.
I'd like to be good at it.
I am most certainly a novice sewer.
In middle school sewing class when most people were making pj's and pillowcases, I decided to make a robe for my dad.
And make a robe I did.
It was bad.
One arm was longer than the other, the collar was crooked, and there were holes in weird places.
But my dad still wore it. :) He's great like that.
Well, Since 7th grade sewing I've tried to stick to easy projects.
The last few weeks I've started making these super cute, and super easy zipper pouches.
I love them because they are so fab, useful and can be whipped up in just a short time!
I like to add a little ruffle or something extra and cute to the front, and the matching printed lining just adds to the fab-ness of it all!
Not sure if I can pick a favorite...
I've made so many, and they are wonderful! They make great gifts, and they are perfect for keeping things neat and organized for traveling.
I think the small one would be perfect to give as a gift with a gift card tucked away inside.
I don't have a tutorial for you because, well, I can barely sew, let alone sew while taking pictures!
However, it is super easy and chances are, you don't need a tut... however, if you want one, here is a super great one, that explanines it better than I ever could! :)
I hope you give it a try...
Happy Sewing!