Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A "Joy Jar" for my love

So I a while back I asked for ideas for an anniversary gift for my hubs.
I got many super great suggestions. . . some I'd already done, some I'm saving away in my memory bank for later and one that I thought sounded perfect for this year.

A wonderful reader, Nancy, gave me the fab idea to make my honey a
Joy Jar!
I started by typing up lots of different moments of joy we have shared over the years - fun memories, favorite moments, things like that.
{This was really fun to do. . . thinking back over all the things we've done together!}
Once they were all typed up and printed out, cut them into strips so that each strip has one moment of joy on it.
{I think I had about 70-ish}
 Next I took each strip and curled it around a pen.
You could just as well fold them up, but I liked the fun look of them being curled.
 Next Step - stick all your curled {or folded} strips of paper into a jar.
 Now, decorate up your jar to your hearts content.
 I didn't do a whole lot as I wanted it to remain somewhat "manly".
 Last step, I added a little note.
And that's that.
An easy gift that turned out to be very meaningful!
My hubby really enjoyed reading all the different "Joys".
He pulled out a few every day and was always excited to see what the next one would be.

I plan to refill his "Joy Jar" often as I think of more moments of joy!

This is a wonderful craft that could be given to pretty much anyone. . . a parent, or friend, anyone you cherish and want to remind of all the good times. :)

Thanks Nancy for the fabulous idea!


  1. Oh my goodness, I have a little lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, that is THE most beautiful thing ever.


  2. I love this idea! We all need a little more JOY in our lives!


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